Економіка розвитку систем 2024-07-05T15:19:25+03:00 Open Journal Systems THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE ASSESSMENT OF DIGITAL TRANSFORMATIONS IN SOCIOECONOMIC SYSTEMS USING AI 2024-02-27T09:41:12+02:00 Viacheslav Voronenko Yurii Zaika Vitalii Horbulenko Maksym Pokutnii Wang Sibei <p>This article aims to improve the methods of assessing digital transformations in socioeconomic systems. The relevance of the research topic is driven by the rapid development of digital technologies and their impact on the economy and society, which contributes to sustainable development. Research methods include analysing statistical data, expert methods, and modelling the dynamics of digital transformations. The results show that throughout the study period of 2017-2021, six out of eight dynamic indicators reflect that digital transformations in socioeconomic systems meet installed criteria besides the involvement of government institutions in providing access to electronic democracy tools and the percentage of the adult population subscribed to mobile phones. Six out of eight dynamic indicators show a trend, suggesting an increase in these specific indicators over time. Additionally, the consolidated dynamic indicator of digital transformations in socioeconomic systems meets the criteria, pointing towards an overall improvement over time for indicators of digital transformations in socioeconomic systems. It is important to note that this does not necessarily imply a simultaneous improvement in all individual indicators. Consequently, enhancing the indicators experiencing deterioration over time is crucial to improve the overall situation. This emphasises the need to make managerial decisions regarding the correction of digital transformations in socioeconomic systems in those areas, the indicators of which decreased during 2017-2021. Identifying key aspects of these problems allows for defining directions to improve the digital transformations. The practical value of the study lies in the potential use of refined scientific and methodological approaches to obtaining information necessary for making managerial decisions to promote digital transformations.</p> 2024-02-26T00:00:00+02:00 Авторське право (c) 2023 SYSTEMIC SOCIO-ECONOMIC ESSENCE OF SUSTAINABLE TRANSPORTATION OF ENERGY 2024-03-08T10:45:11+02:00 Leonid Melnyk Bohdan Kovalov Oleksandra Karintseva Oleksandra Kubatko Valerii Tarasov <p>The purpose of the article is the analysis of the systemic essence of sustainable transportation of the energy system, based on the mass implementation of renewable energy sources and efficient energy storage systems. At the same level as the analysis of the transformation processes of energy assets, the accompanying components of the specified transformation process are revealed and analyzed: transition to horizontal distributed energy networks, development of social and solidarity economy, dematerialization and sustainable transportation of economic systems, convergence and miniaturization of assets, electrification of transport, hydrogen vehicle implementation of energy systems, cyberization control over the work of systems, systematization of public institutions. Analyzing the conducted research, the authors draw important conclusions. The energy sector, in which 2/3 of the processes of harmful impact on the environment are generated, is a key area of solving the problems of sustainable transportation of the economy. Sustainable transportation of the energy complex is possible only if adequate transformations of the socio-economic system are carried out. The specified transformations mutually condition each other and can significantly strengthen the sustainable potential of restructuring the energy complex, achieving a general synergistic effect. The transition to renewable energy systems requires constant innovation. Today, technological solutions of the near future should be actively developed in the scientific sector. The full potential of the mentioned energy transition can be realized only under the condition of appropriate institutional support and active international cooperation.</p> 2024-02-27T00:00:00+02:00 Авторське право (c) ELABORATION OF SUCCESSFUL ESG POLICY: LEARNING FROM EUROPEAN COMPANIES 2024-05-16T15:27:33+03:00 Inna Koblianska Wang Fujin Du Shutong <p>The ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) approach serves as a strategic response to contemporary social and environmental challenges, embodying a company's awareness, vision, and measures towards achieving sustainable development goals. Simultaneously, ESG policy is a communication tool with stakeholders and a determinant of the company's competitiveness. This study aims to delineate the principal components of ESG policy and strategy – namely, vision, values, and goals – through an in-depth examination (textual analysis) of successful ESG companies' practices. To this end, ten leading European companies were selected based on their ESG ratings by Sustainalytics, and information regarding their sustainability vision, goals, and values was collected. Textual analysis was conducted using v. 2.6.13. The findings show that the content and context of companies' ESG policies are shaped by terms such as sustainability, social and environmental issues, labour, development, business, responsibility, climate, stakeholders, people, impact and change. Sustainability is often associated with strategy, culture and design, while business is associated with responsibility, impact and value. The predominant issues identified in ESG policies relate to social and environmental aspects, governance, corporate management and partnerships. In particular, the emphasis on social and environmental issues – including policies, practices, responsibility and impact – is pervasive. Each company takes a different approach to developing the core principles of its ESG policy. In outlining this, the study underscores the diversity and multifaceted nature of ESG policies, with the consideration of industry specifics emerging as a critical feature to ensure effective implementation. The findings serve as a valuable resource for companies, providing guidance on the development of key components of ESG policies (vision, goals, values) and as an empirical basis for improving scientific and methodological approaches to assessing the effectiveness of ESG policies.</p> 2024-05-16T00:00:00+03:00 Авторське право (c) PROBLEMS OF CHOOSING AND MANAGING THE STRATEGY OF MARKETING ACTIVITIES OF A BUSINESS ENTITY 2024-07-05T15:19:25+03:00 Olha Raibukha <p>The article examines the content of marketing strategy and its role in the activities of an enterprise, considers the views of various scholars on the concept of «marketing strategy» and summarizes the main features of this concept. It is determined that for a successful and stable business, the management of any company needs to use a number of strategies, one of which should be a marketing strategy. Its development requires careful analysis, sequence of actions, validity and consideration of all necessary elements. The author proves that failure to take into account something essential in the marketing strategy will inevitably lead to a decrease in the competitiveness of an enterprise. The paper emphasizes that marketing is an integral element of strategic management of an enterprise. Thanks to marketing methods and market regulation, it is possible to predict the market reaction at a certain moment, adjust the action plan and ensure the sustainability of an enterprise in a competitive environment. Marketing is one of the ways for any company to survive in today's competitive market. The market requires the company to adhere to the axioms of marketing theory and practical experience. A strategy as a long-term plan allows you to combine theory and practice to form a development perspective. A marketing strategy is an integral part of the entire strategic management of an enterprise. It is a plan of its business activity. The author emphasizes that it includes identification of the target audience, development of a unique product or service offer, selection of optimal promotion channels, establishment of pricing policy and other measures aimed at attracting customers and increasing sales. The article determines that the main task of the marketing strategy is to maintain and develop the production process, the intellectual potential of the company's employees, to improve the range and quality of goods produced, to develop new markets, to increase sales and, ultimately, to improve performance. Marketing is primarily concerned with the practical implementation of strategic goals aimed at the future, i.e. solving tactical tasks of the enterprise, which is subject to the need to consistently update strategic approaches.</p> 2024-07-05T00:00:00+03:00 Авторське право (c) TAX COMPLIANCE CONTROL AND AUDIT OF TRANSFER PRICING TRANSACTIONS 2024-07-05T15:19:21+03:00 Volodymyr Kraievskyi Oleksandr Muravskyi <p>The article presents the authors' vision of the features and mechanism of tax compliance control and audit in the management of transfer pricing operations. Effective interaction between business entities and tax authorities in the process of controlling and auditing transfer pricing transactions should be based on the principles of compliance with the help of two tools – assessment of the quality of transfer pricing policy and internal control system (as a result of interaction of internal and external control systems) and assessment of the quality and effectiveness of internal audit of transfer pricing (as a result of interaction of internal control and audit systems). In accordance with the above, tax compliance control and audit becomes a new element of the established system of monitoring of controlled transactions of a business entity, which proposed to understand as the use of tools to confirm the quality and effectiveness of internal control and audit systems of transfer pricing transactions of a business entity by a tax authority, which certifies the taxpayer's commitment and responsibility to comply with tax legislation in terms of compliance with the arm's length principle. Confirmation by the tax authorities of the quality of the transfer pricing policy and internal control and audit system of the entity should be based on the developed, tested and approved system of assessment parameters. Confirmation of the assessment of the quality of the transfer pricing policy and internal control system will demonstrate the responsible position of the taxpayer based on tax compliance with the transfer pricing legislation in accordance with the arm's length principle and will increase the level of trust in it on the part of the tax authorities. In turn, the introduction of such a tool as an internal transfer pricing audit quality assessment into the process of monitoring-controlled transactions will allow the company to submit and use the results of its internal audit in assessing transfer pricing risks to form its tax rating and assess the need to include it in the audit plan. This tool assumes that the internal audit system is sufficient to timely detect violations of tax legislation in the field of transfer pricing in accordance with the arm's length principle.</p> 2024-07-05T00:00:00+03:00 Авторське право (c) LOGISTICS COSTS AS AN OBJECT OF MANAGEMENT IN THE ACCOUNTING AND ANALYTICAL SYSTEM OF AN ENTERPRISE 2024-07-05T15:19:16+03:00 Yevhenii Shevchenko <p>The article studies the conceptual content, nature and essence of logistics costs as an object of management in the accounting and analytical system of enterprise. It is determined that the subject of study and research of logistics is a complex purposeful flow process that combines material, financial, information, commodity, labour, human and other flows. In many domestic scientific publications on logistics, material and related information and financial flows are called logistics flows. The article substantiates the need to identify the cost flow in the study of logistics costs, which is proposed to be understood as a part of the working capital / fixed capital in monetary terms, formed because of the impact of operations for the purpose of transformation, movement of elements of material, information and financial flows, attributed to a certain time interval. The introduction and substantiation of a new object of study - the cost flow as a source of logistics costs, accompanying material, financial, and information flows, is more practical in nature, the study of its spatial, quantitative, and temporal parameters in real time is the most effective source of information for logistics management, which performs the functions of ensuring and controlling the process of implementing the logistics management approach. The very understanding of the essence of logistics costs is interconnected with the scientific and practical vision of logistics. There are many multidirectional and often contradictory definitions, the main ones of which consider logistics as an economic process, as a sphere and functions of management and as a science. It is proved that the importance of each element of the classification of logistics costs is different for enterprises of different industries. The generalised classification should allow combining important aspects from the point of view of organisation of the management process, namely: allocating logistics costs for the three main phases of movement of material flows (procurement, production, sales), determining the areas of expenditure (costs of storage, transportation, sales and costs associated with maintenance of logistics infrastructure), grouping costs by business processes and participants of business processes.</p> 2024-07-05T00:00:00+03:00 Авторське право (c)