Keywords: educational needs, education system, workforce, professional and qualification potential, staffing, Ukraine’s socio-economic policy


The impact of education on society and the economy is manifested in the reproduction and improvement of: human resources, social capital, personnel, professional and qualification potential of enterprises; motivations and incentives for human development, economic activities, productive employment; standards, benchmarks, priorities of economic and non-economic activities; creative (knowledge and rent generating) potential of social technological support. The purposes of the article are: to determine the features of effective balanced satisfaction of the educational needs of the population and economy, which results in the resilience, sustainable development of the state and society; to identify the shortcomings of modern management approaches to the processes organisation for meeting educational needs and staffing in Ukraine; to justify relevant guidelines and priorities for the educational system and macroeconomic development. The methods of research include: analysis and generalisation of literary sources on the problems of organisation and prospects of improvement of education, social activities of personnel provision for the Ukrainian economy, reproduction and optimisation of professional, qualification and innovation potential; comparison of regularities and problems of the educational system functioning as a progressive stimulus and component of the Ukrainian economy, which allows to synthesise and systematise the urgent priorities for activation of the potentials of education itself and the workforce in order to provide the state resilience and sustainable development in the complex internal and macro-regional realities of today. The role of education as a social institution, an individual and collective resource that creates an environment and provides opportunities to achieve acceptable competitiveness criteria for a range of subjects at micro-, meso- and macro-competitive levels, is constantly increasing in the globalised world. At the same time, the principles and priorities of the reproduction and use of human resources and the labour force itself, the systemic processes of normalisation and deregulation of various aspects of the functioning of the labour sphere, the formation and implementation of social capital, the coordination of administrative and market levers of relevant practices and measures, the sequence of their guidelines have a powerful impact on: the content of comprehensive and professional education recognised as socially necessary (i.e., provided to the average consumer through services of legally recognised basic quality); the quality of material, technical and personnel support of the education system; directions of its modernisation. Fulfilment of the conditions and measures for ensuring compliance of the systems of education and employment organisation with the dynamic requirements of the scientific and technological progress, implementation of their prognostic functions to meet the prospective needs of the economy in personnel requires the participation of a wide range of public institutions and subjects of legislative regulation, macroeconomic and branch administration, provision of services for education, career guidance, personnel selection, employment, certification, material and technical support of various educational and qualification processes.


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