Ключові слова: expert analytics, operational management, management decisions, analytical support, management efficiency


Today’s business environment is characterized by fierce competition and uncertainty, which causes significant challenges for business leaders in making informed management decisions, including in operational management. In view of this, the success of management activities is largely determined by the implementation of a thorough and comprehensive analysis of business processes. At the same time, effective enterprise management requires a deep understanding of the internal and external factors that affect its operations. Modern enterprises face the need to make prompt decisions based on accurate and timely data. In such conditions, the role of expert analytics is growing significantly, as it provides systematization and interpretation of information necessary for informed management decision-making. The growing complexity of business processes, increasing requirements for management quality, and the development of information technology make it necessary to constantly improve analytical support methods. Expert analytics, which combines theoretical knowledge and practical experience, is becoming an indispensable tool for managers, allowing them to respond quickly to changes, identify potential risks and find new opportunities for development. The article is devoted to the study of the essence of expert analytics as a tool for making managerial decisions in operational management. The purpose of the study is to determine the role and place of expert analytics in ensuring effective enterprise management, as well as to develop approaches to its implementation. The study was carried out using the monographic method, which allowed for a deep analysis of the theoretical aspects of expert analytics and its role in decision-making in operational management. To achieve the stated research goal, the methods of system-functional analysis, including theories of cognition and decision-making, were applied. Abstract, logical and heuristic methods helped to structure and interpret the data obtained, forming reasonable conclusions. In particular, the systematic approach allowed for the identification of relationships between various aspects of analytical support and management processes, providing a holistic understanding of the issues under study. The results obtained indicate that expert analytics is an integral part of modern operational management. It provides a comprehensive assessment of internal and external factors affecting the company’s operations and contributes to the formation of sound management decisions. An important aspect of expert analytics is its ability to identify both positive and negative trends, which allows an enterprise to respond to changes in a timely manner and adapt to new conditions. The practical value of the study lies in the proposed approaches to improving the system of analytical support for enterprise management. Implementation of the developed recommendations will allow enterprises to improve the quality of management decision-making, optimize management processes, reduce risks and ensure sustainable development in the long term. The article may also be useful for practitioners engaged in enterprise management, for scientists researching analytics and management issues, for teachers training management specialists, and for PhD students conducting research in the field of operational management.


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Переглядів статті: 50
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Як цитувати
Zaika, S., Hridin, O., & Sahachko, Y. (2024). THE ESSENCE OF EXPERT ANALYTICS AS A BASIS FOR MANAGERIAL DECISION-MAKING IN OPERATIONAL MANAGEMENT. Економіка розвитку систем, 6(1), 76-83.