Ключові слова: product placement, marketing communications strategy, brand integration, native advertising, media platforms


The article outlines the essence and main tasks of product placement in the marketing communications system. Various types and channels of distribution of product placement have been studied, analyzing their effectiveness and appropriateness in different media contexts. The communicative characteristics of product placement as an effective tool in modern marketing communications are characterized. The dynamics of changes in the audience's perception of traditional advertising and the role of product placement as a more delicate method of integrating brands into media content are considered. The article also highlights the diversity of product placement target audiences, covering different age groups, socio-economic categories and specific interests. It describes how behavioral and psychographic characteristics of the audience, including lifestyle and personal values, affect the effectiveness of product placement. Considerable attention is paid to the emotional interaction between the audience and the brand, which can strengthen the relationship and influence purchase decisions. Specific examples are provided to illustrate how product placement can be targeted at specific target audiences based on their unique characteristics and preferences, from youth brands in popular movies to high-end cars in dramas or business series. Thus, the article provides an in-depth analysis of the impact of product placement on modern marketing strategies and its role in forming long-term relationships with consumers who appreciate brand authenticity and values. The article analyzes the concept of marketing alliances, which is critical to the success of product placement, with an emphasis on short-term tactical agreements between corporate marketers and media content creators. The main idea is to exchange advertising resources for mutually reinforcing influence on target audiences. The article examines examples of successful partnerships. The article emphasizes that the success of product placement largely depends on the fine fit between the content, the product and the strategic goals of the brand, as well as on the ability of marketers to find the right points of collision between commercial interests and creative content.


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Переглядів статті: 126
Завантажень PDF: 46
Як цитувати
Kohut, M. (2024). PRODUCT PLACEMENT IN THE MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM. Економіка розвитку систем, 6(1), 112-118.