Ключові слова: financial architecture, globalisation, financial stability, regulation of financial systems, financial markets, digital technologies, economic development


The article presents an analysis of the evolution of financial architectonics in the context of globalisation, identifying the principal avenues for its advancement in order to guarantee the stability and efficacy of financial systems. The topic is of great relevance in light of the necessity to reform the extant financial system in the context of economic globalisation and the interdependence of countries. The global financial crisis of 2008 and the crisis caused by the pandemic of 2019-2021 have demonstrated the deficiencies of the extant financial architecture and the necessity of modernising it to guarantee the stability and resilience of financial systems. The research methodology employed a combination of monographic, comparative, and content analysis techniques to examine a substantial corpus of scientific literature. This approach facilitated an in-depth investigation of the predominant methodologies for interpreting financial architectonics and a comprehensive analysis of the diverse experiences of countries in developing financial systems. The findings of the study indicated that the efficacy of financial architectonics is contingent upon the presence of active and stable risk markets that facilitate access to essential financial data and investor protection mechanisms. It was determined that contemporary financial systems frequently fail to satisfy the requirements of a globalised economy, thereby necessitating their reform. The development of new regulatory mechanisms for financial markets and institutions, as well as the creation of international standards and codes of conduct, have become the primary avenues for achieving financial stability. The practical value of this article lies in its capacity to inform the development of novel approaches to the management of financial systems at both national and international levels. The proposed recommendations for the development of financial architectonics can assist governments and financial institutions in responding in a more effective manner to global financial crises and ensuring stable economic development.


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