Ключові слова: accounts receivable, financial management, enterprise's liquidity, debt restructuring, financial resilience, receivables optimization


The article examines the significance of accounts receivable in enterprise financial management, focusing on their impact on liquidity, cash flow stability, and economic resilience. As a vital part of working capital, receivables represent anticipated cash inflows from clients and require efficient management to mitigate financial risks. In the Ukrainian context, marked by inflation and limited access to affordable credit, optimizing receivables is essential for maintaining solvency and reducing the financial burden of delayed payments. The study explores regulatory frameworks for receivables management in Ukraine, emphasizing national accounting standards and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). These standards ensure transparency in financial reporting, particularly for enterprises operating in global markets. Legal mechanisms, including provisions within the Civil and Commercial Codes, regulate debt obligations and provide creditors with tools to enforce repayment. Accounts receivable significantly influence financial performance. Excessive receivables limit liquidity and reduce profitability by immobilizing resources. Effective management strategies involve categorizing debts, monitoring overdue accounts, and employing business intelligence tools to predict risks and maintain accurate financial reports. The article proposes measures to optimize receivables, including refining credit policies, implementing ERP systems, and encouraging timely payments through discounts or penalties. Adaptation to contemporary challenges, such as those caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and the ongoing war in Ukraine, is vital. Flexible payment terms, debt restructuring, and digital tools like automated invoicing systems are recommended to strengthen financial stability. The article also emphasizes a comprehensive approach that integrates legal, financial, and technological tools to minimize risks and ensure long-term stability. The proposed strategies are especially relevant for Ukrainian enterprises navigating economic volatility while striving for sustainable growth.


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Як цитувати
Bessonova, A., Bessonova, S., & Shevchenko, A. (2025). OPTIMIZATION OF RECEIVABLES OF AN ENTERPRISE AS A TOOL FOR STRENGTHENING FINANCIAL EFFICIENCY. Економіка розвитку систем, 6(2), 146-150. https://doi.org/10.32782/2707-8019/2024-2-20