The article considers the mechanism of tax consultancy as an important element of the management of the tax component of the economic security of an enterprise, which is particularly relevant in the context of constant changes in tax legislation and growing requirements for transparency of financial statements. Tax consultancy is a complex process of providing companies with qualified assistance in the field of tax planning, optimisation of tax liabilities and management of tax risks. It is substantiated that tax consulting not only helps to reduce the tax burden, but also ensures compliance of the company's tax policy with the requirements of current legislation, which, in turn, is a guarantee of long-term stability and financial sustainability of the company. The article examines the structural elements of the tax liability management mechanism, which include tax planning, ensuring conditions for timely and correct calculation of tax liabilities, as well as organisational and control components. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of the tax planning process as one of the key stages of tax consulting. It is determined that effective tax planning allows an enterprise to optimise the structure of income and expenses, thereby reducing the tax burden and ensuring the rational use of financial resources. This paper considers the methods of ensuring compliance with tax reporting requirements as an important factor in the process of tax consulting. The function of tax consultancy in the formulation and execution of strategies designed to mitigate tax risks and enhance the efficacy of enterprise financial management is established. The necessity of utilising contemporary information technologies in the domain of tax consulting is underscored, as this enables the enhancement of the precision and efficacy of managerial resolutions pertaining to taxation. It can be concluded that effective tax consulting plays a pivotal role in enhancing the economic resilience of an enterprise. It serves to fortify the enterprise against external and internal threats, including those posed by shifts in the tax environment and economic challenges.
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