Keywords: network economy, inter-organisational network, relationship structure, graphs, centrality, polarity, integration


In the context of the globalisation of society and the rapid spread of information and computer technologies, the achievement of the goals of individual economic structures is achieved through the formation of a new type of organisational resource by introducing the principles of the network effect and the system of network interaction. The network approach is not reduced to a separate disciplinary area, but claims to be universal and independent. to identify unambiguous attributes that collectively define network interaction. The characteristics of networks are legal autonomy of partners, close connection and mutual influence on the basis of partially formalised or trust-based relationships, establishment of medium- and long-term partnerships, decision-making based on a jointly developed system of internal rules and regulations, taking into account the behavioural patterns and interests of network partners. An inter-organisational network is defined by the links between a certain set of independent organisations (network structure) and their interactions within them (network processes). The structure of network ties and positioning in networks are considered as key properties of network agents. The author's approach proposes to focus not on the agents themselves, regardless of their appearance, motives, norms and values that guide their actions, but on the connections between them in the network, which are studied on the basis of graph theory.The article studies a structure of inter-organisational networks and their new structural features on the basis of graph theory mathematical approaches. Extremum parameters of graphs are used to estimate an optimum number of network members. The aim of the investigation is to apply the mathematical tools of a graph theory to study the basic concepts of a network structure, the justification of the optimal number of network participants and the practical implementation of a network concept. On the basis of theoretical studies using graph theory, proposals for the structure of the network can be formulated, which can be used to stimulate sectoral restructuring and change the technological platform of the national economy.


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How to Cite
Danylovych-Kropyvnytska, M. (2023). THE RESEARCH ON AN INTER-ORGANIZATIONAL NETWORK STRUCTURE USING GRAPH THEORY TOOLS. Економіка розвитку систем, 5(1), 26-30.