Keywords: foreign economic activity, types of foreign economic activity, accounting and analytical system, management, organisational, information and accounting and analytical management technologies


The article decomposes the foreign economic activity of enterprise through the prism of accounting and analytical support of management. It has been determined that current trends in the development of the domestic and world economy, specificity and peculiarities of activities of individual business entities in the field of foreign economic relations, the need for further development of methodology and methods of accounting and analysis of foreign economic activity, taking into account the objectively arising needs for the development of information support for management, determine the relevance of decomposition of foreign economic activity in the system of accounting and analytical support for management. It is substantiated that the basis for the decomposition of foreign economic activity in the system of accounting and analytical support of management is the concept of the type of activity. The organisation of accounting of foreign economic activity at a particular enterprise is largely determined by the type of foreign economic activity inherent in this enterprise. In the process of production and economic activity, enterprises, as a rule, face several types of foreign economic operations simultaneously. The accounting and analytical aspects of management of foreign economic activity of enterprise are systematised. A model of decomposition of the foreign economic activity of enterprise has been developed. It is proposed that the model of decomposition of foreign economic activity of enterprise should include types of foreign economic activity and accounting and analytical aspects, grouped into blocks: key aspects; characteristics of types of foreign economic activity, organisational and legal conditions, purpose, directions and results of functioning, accounting approaches and basic analytical criteria, performance indicators, structural construction and functioning, etc. The developed model provides for the reflection and determination of performance results by types, subtypes, segments and other classification features of foreign economic activity in order to obtain analytical, detailed, transparent and relevant information based on financial, management and strategic accounting data. Formation of an integrated system of accounting and analysis of foreign economic activity is based on consideration of regulatory, contractual, structural, accounting, analytical, control and software and hardware support of foreign economic activity.


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How to Cite
Kraievskyi, V., & Skoryk, O. (2024). FOREIGN ECONOMIC ACTIVITY IN THE SYSTEM OF ACCOUNTING AND ANALYTICAL MANAGEMENT SUPPORT. Економіка розвитку систем, 6(1), 69-75.