Keywords: sustainable development, agro-territories, state support for the development of agro-territories, foreign experience, project activities for sustainable development


Abstract. The article systemises conceptual foundations of ensuring sustainable development of rural territories. It is substantiated that the growing role of rural areas in the regional economy of the country creates prerequisites for the need to develop sustainable development measures. Rural areas play a significant role in the structure of the economy of any region. Creating conditions for sustainable development of rural areas is an important strategic goal of the state's regional policy. Achievement of the goals and objectives of sustainable rural development can be carried out with the help of many various regional regulatory instruments. What matters is whether the measures produce positive results, whether the stated goals are achieved and whether the tasks are solved. The main result of the regional rural development policy is the reduction of disparities in terms of socio-economic development between urban and rural areas. When assessing the results of rural development, two points should be kept in mind. The first is that government intervention should not destroy market relations. Second, the impact of various factors in the development of the regional economy is ambiguous, so it is difficult to assess the contribution of a particular factor to the results of regional economic development. When assessing the results of regional economic development, it is necessary to compare the set of indicators of their development with different levels of regional development and analyse the measures taken by the authorities to implement the tasks of stabilising regional development. To ensure the sustainable development of rural areas, it is necessary to develop a strategy for the development of these areas, based on which a socio-economic programme for the development of rural municipalities should be elaborated and adopted. The basis for the development of such programmes should be strategies for the socio-economic development of rural municipalities, which determine the potential of rural municipalities and the prospects for their socio-economic development. Strategies for the socio-economic development of rural settlements should include measures to increase their resource potential and develop their socio-economic status and improve the welfare of the population in rural areas.


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How to Cite
Skoryk, M. (2024). CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF RURAL AREAS . Економіка розвитку систем, 6(1), 95-99.