• Olga Osmolovska Anglo-Eastern company, Germany (Corresponding author)
Keywords: sustainability, big companies, DGNB, certification system, a life cycle of a building


It is stated in the paper that the DGNB certification system is the first of the second generation of certification systems. The evaluation is characterized by a complex assessment of a building's lifecycle, not just its ecology. The international certification systems BREEAM, LEED, and DGNB evaluate ecological, economic, and social aspects with different weightings using a specified catalog of criteria and take into account the entire life cycle from planning to construction, operation, and dismantling of the building. For DGNB, socio-cultural quality is of crucial importance, as it can influence employee satisfaction. It is emphasized that the advantages of building’s sustainability are not only monetary (cost reduction, increase in return, value retention), but include not only economic but also ecological (environmental and resource conservation) and socio-cultural aspects (consideration of the human factor and the environment).


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How to Cite
Osmolovska, O. (2019). PROVIDING SUSTAINABILITY IN BIG COMPANIES: AN EXAMPLE OF DGNB CERTIFICATION . Економіка розвитку систем, 2(1), 29-32. Retrieved from