Keywords: small business, financial adaptation, financial strategy, economic instability, martial law


The article examines the financial adaptation of small enterprises in the context of economic instability and martial law. The main focus is on the analysis of financial strategies and instruments that can ensure the sustainability and survival of enterprises in difficult conditions. The impact of economic factors, such as currency market volatility, inflation, declining demand and infrastructure constraints on the activities of small enterprises is investigated. The necessity for small enterprises to adapt to a rapidly changing economic environment is a pivotal concern, particularly in periods of economic turbulence. The article examines the existing scientific literature on the formation of anti-crisis financial strategies, with a particular focus on models of flexibility and diversification of resources. The role of innovative financial instruments, including crowdfunding, targeted loan programmes and government support, in facilitating adaptation is examined. A significant element of the study is the evaluation of the particularities of economic circumstances during the period of martial law, which enables a more profound comprehension of the obstacles encountered by small businesses. The article's primary focus is on the challenges associated with financing, reducing the credit burden, and identifying alternative sources of income. Furthermore, the article examines the practical methods of risk management that enhance the resilience of enterprises in the context of uncertainty. In order to obtain objective results, the study employed a systematic review of the literature, an analysis of practical approaches, and a quantitative analysis. The principal conclusions indicate the necessity for a comprehensive approach to the financial adaptation of small enterprises, which not only guarantees their survival but also facilitates the creation of new opportunities for development. The article underscores the significance of financial adaptation among small enterprises in the present circumstances and highlights potential avenues for further research in this domain, which may encompass the development of novel financial mechanisms and the enhancement of existing practices.


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