Keywords: investment climate, Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), EU countries, economic stability, crisis phenomena, political instability, war, business climate, deregulation


The study of Ukraine’s investment attractiveness during periods of crisis highlights the significant influence of external factors on the investment situation in the country, particularly regarding the inflow of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). In the context of global and local crises such as the COVID-19 pandemic and Russia’s military invasion, Ukraine’s economic situation has experienced significant fluctuations, which have reflected on the investment climate. European Union countries play a key role in providing financial support, which is an important factor in stabilizing Ukraine’s economy during this period. The aim of this research is to assess investment flows from EU countries and the investment attractiveness of Ukraine during crisis times. One of the key aspects of the study is analyzing the dynamics of FDI from EU countries. During the analyzed period, the volume of investments fluctuated significantly, indicating the instability of the investment environment. The largest investments in Ukraine come from the Netherlands and Germany, indicating the long-term interest of these countries in the Ukrainian market despite the crisis periods. Despite difficulties, 57% of companies already operating in Ukraine plan to continue their investments, and 79% are ready to contribute to the country’s reconstruction after the war. This emphasizes the potential for economic recovery in the future, particularly due to international support. The methodology of the research includes both quantitative and qualitative methods of analysis, particularly statistical and comparative analysis. The practical value of the article lies in identifying the main factors affecting changes in the investment situation in Ukraine during crisis periods, as well as in developing recommendations to improve the investment climate. To enhance investment attractiveness and stabilize Ukraine’s economy, it is crucial to continue reforms in the legal system, combat corruption, and improve the business climate through deregulation and simplification of administrative procedures. Additionally, Ukraine needs to actively work on infrastructure recovery plans, which will create new investment opportunities. The success of these measures depends on achieving stability and security, which form the basis for Ukraine’s economic development in the future.


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How to Cite
Alekseievska, H. (2025). INVESTMENT ATTRACTIVENESS OF UKRAINE AND EU SUPPORT DURING CRISIS PERIODS. Економіка розвитку систем, 6(2), 139-145.