• Renat Perelet Institute for System Analysis of the Federal Research Centre “Informatics and Management” of RAS (Corresponding author)


Energy is managed in a complex way by the theories of sustainability. All of the three pillars of sustainability (society, environment, and economy) are inseparable from the energy sector, because energy consumption causes so many externalities which threat the welfare in the long run. Most of the environmental problems are in tight connection with energy use and production, such as nuclear waste management, oil spills, emission, etc. Furthermore, energetics is an integral part of the economic and social development, and sustainable energy is a core issue. In this review a previously developed but recently improved methodology is presented which is suitable for the measurement of sustainable energy. Using panel data and estimating a Fixed Effects Model we examine whether the economic development contributes to the effectiveness of policy implementation for sustainable energy development in East-Central Europe.


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Переглядів статті: 39
Завантажень PDF: 436
Як цитувати
Perelet, R. (2018). UNDERSTANDING OF THE SECTORS COVERED BY THE LOT 6V. Економіка розвитку систем, 1(1), 50-59. вилучено із https://esd-journal.sumy.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/14