• Olena Olondar Sumy State University
  • Viktor Zolochevskiy Sumy State University
Ключові слова: united territorial communities, budgetary decentralization, local self-government


In this article we have analyzed the process of reforming local self-government and budgetary decentralization in Ukraine. Special attention was paid to the formation of united territorial communities. Solving the problem of budgetary decentralization is an important problem of the ensuring the effective functioning of the multi-level budgetary system. Its’ main destination is the creating conditions for the proper implementation by the local authorities due to their functional powers. The effective social-economic development of the regions is limited objectively by the level of its financial resources’ provision. The basis of financial resources consists of local budget revenues. In this context process of the budgetary sphere are responsible for creating the economic incentives for local self-government bodies. It will help to develop their territories, expand own tax bases and use effectively budgetary funds.


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Як цитувати
Olondar, O., & Zolochevskiy, V. (2020). THE ECONOMIC PECULIARITIES AND PROBLEMS OF UNITED TERRITORIAL COMMUNITIES (UTCS) FORMING IN UKRAINE. Економіка розвитку систем, 3(1), 10-17.