Digitalisation is among the most significant factors driving the development of the modern economy. It encompasses a broad array of technologies and solutions that transform the organisation of business processes, optimise resource utilisation, and create conditions for enhancing the competitiveness of companies. In today's world, where globalisation and rapid technological changes have become integral to economic activity, digitalisation is no longer merely a competitive advantage – it has become a strategic necessity for ensuring the long-term sustainability of businesses. The implementation of digital technologies facilitates the automation of routine processes, reduces costs, enhances labour productivity, and improves the accuracy and speed of decision-making. For example, the adoption of cloud computing ensures easy access to real-time data, big data analytics provides deeper insights into customer needs, and artificial intelligence (AI) optimises the execution of complex tasks. The Internet of Things (IoT) is revolutionising manufacturing processes, while blockchain creates new opportunities in finance, logistics, and data security. In addition to enhancing operational efficiency, digitalisation has a significant impact on the strategic aspects of organisational activities. It opens up opportunities for the development of new business models and the creation of additional revenue streams. For instance, the adoption of digital commerce platforms or subscription-based models enables firms to significantly expand their customer base and maintain continuous customer engagement. However, the process of digitalisation is accompanied by significant challenges. These include the need for employees to adapt to new technologies, the high cost of implementing innovations and cybersecurity issues such as data protection. Despite these challenges, the benefits of digital transformation are clear, as they open up new opportunities for economic growth and innovation. This article aims to analyse the impact of digitalisation on the efficiency of business processes, identify the key technologies driving digital transformation, and assess its broader significance for the economy. Particular attention shall be given to both the benefits and the challenges encountered by organisations in their journey towards digital transformation.
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