Ключові слова: management diagnostics, management decision-making, management efficiency, analysis of enterprise activities, management activities, diagnostics, management processes


Management diagnostics represents a crucial instrument within the contemporary managerial toolkit, facilitating the attainment of sound decision-making in the context of today's intricate operational landscape. The mounting intricacy of managerial processes and the imperative for the prudent utilisation of resources serve to reinforce the significance of diagnostic techniques as a means of enhancing enterprise efficiency. The objective of this article is to define the essence of management diagnostics, to elucidate its role in decision-making processes, and to identify methods for implementing it in order to enhance management processes. The research methodology is based on system analysis, which allows for the examination of managerial diagnostics as a multifaceted process. This process includes the identification of problems, the collection and processing of information, the development of solution options, and their implementation. The application of methods of theoretical generalisation has enabled the main stages of the diagnostic process to be structured, as well as facilitating a comparative analysis to evaluate different approaches to its use in management. The findings of the study indicate that management diagnostics is a universal instrument that equips managers with reliable data for formulating decisions that consider the present condition of the enterprise, its prospective growth, and potential hazards. The article elucidates the diagnostic methods, which encompass both analytical and expert approaches that facilitate a comprehensive analysis of data, thereby enhancing the performance of an enterprise. It has been demonstrated that managerial diagnostics facilitates the identification of internal reserves, the assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise, and the formulation of recommendations for the enhancement of business processes. Specific consideration is given to the process of establishing an information foundation, which encompasses the gathering, examination and synthesis of data essential for identifying optimal solutions. The application of management diagnostics enables a reasonable evaluation of the efficacy of managerial decisions, thereby reducing the probability of missteps and facilitating the formulation of long-term strategies for the advancement of the enterprise. The practical value of the work lies in its potential to inform and enhance management processes across a range of industrial sectors. The proposed approaches facilitate enhanced enterprise efficiency, risk reduction and the attainment of organisational objectives. The study corroborates the significance of managerial diagnostics in contemporary management, demonstrating its capacity to furnish a qualitative evaluation and bolster decisions that facilitate the stable operation of enterprises and their advancement in the present circumstances.


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Як цитувати
Zaika, S., Sahachko, Y., & Kuskova, S. (2025). MANAGEMENT DIAGNOSTICS AS A TOOL FOR MAKING EFFECTIVE DECISIONS IN MODERN MANAGEMENT. Економіка розвитку систем, 6(2), 98-106.

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