Ключові слова: small business, accounting and analytical software, digitalisation, software systems, corporate information systems


This article examines the impact of digitalisation processes on accounting and analytical technologies for the management of small businesses in the modern economy. It discloses the key aspects of the digital transformation of the accounting profession and provides an analysis of the main software solutions used to automate accounting processes in small enterprises. It also substantiates the importance of integrating digital technologies into accounting practices, which contributes to improving the efficiency of management and control over the financial activities of small businesses. It is established that the advent of digitalisation is transforming conventional methodologies pertaining to management and accounting. The implementation of automated accounting systems has the potential to markedly enhance operational efficiency, curtail the prevalence of routine procedures and mitigate the likelihood of human error. The principal trends of digital transformation are examined, including the transition from physical goods to digital services, the globalisation of local services and the growing significance of digital platforms in facilitating communication between market participants. It is argued that in order to maintain competitiveness, small businesses must not only integrate modern digital tools but also invest in the professional development of their employees, particularly accountants, in order to enhance their ability to work with new information systems. It is determined that the introduction of digital technologies ensures increased transparency of accounting data and its accessibility to key stakeholders of the company, which contributes to the improvement of financial reporting and overall efficiency of management decisions. Special attention is paid to the analysis of popular software products on the Ukrainian market, such as Master: Accounting, Oblik SaaS and ISpro. The functionalities, advantages and disadvantages of each solution are considered, thus allowing an evaluation of their effectiveness in meeting the needs of small businesses. It has been determined that the selection of suitable software is of paramount importance to guarantee the seamless functioning of accounting systems and to attain optimal outcomes in financial management. In light of the findings of the study, recommendations are put forth with the aim of optimising the implementation of digital technologies in small businesses. Furthermore, the crucial importance of adapting to the new business environment brought about by digital transformation is underscored.


Information system «IT-Enterprise». Available at: (accessed September 16, 2024).

Information system «ISpro». Available at: (accessed September 16, 2024).

Information system «Oblik SaaS». Available at: (accessed September 16, 2024).

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Переглядів статті: 16
Завантажень PDF: 4
Як цитувати
Kraievskyi, V., Kolisnyk, O., & Skoryk, M. (2024). DIGITALISATION OF THE ACCOUNTING AND ANALYTICAL SUPPORT SERVICE FOR SMALL BUSINESSES. Економіка розвитку систем, 6(2), 36-41.

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